Remember, you can make money doing anything. Your question on the best paid profession is an open-ended question because it is all dependent on your skill in your field. You get paid based on your work, so by best paid you are asking the amount of time spent working relative to the subsequent income earned.
Generally, sales people within any company have the highest potential. It is also hard work though and few are the cream of the crop.
Partners in firms (accounting, law, venture capital, investment banking, real estate, etc) make big $$.
Entreprenuers strike it rich with fresh ideas. They get paid less initially, but maintain a salary while developing their business and hopefully have a huge exit. Look at Google, TheFacbook, Myspace (not all have exited but valuations sure are high).
On the flip side...
Strippers make a lot of money for the amount of time they work...
Specialized workers such as engineers earn per the hour, so $$ can be pretty good.
Garbage truck workers/muni drivers have commanded salaries of over $100k.
The options are limitless!